Bilingual Q&A 16: Advice for non-overseas Chinese children
In monolingual societies where Chinese is the mother tongue, such as mainland China and Taiwan, most children do not learn a second language at the same time. Therefore, there are no challenges and time allocation problems with a second language. Because they grow up in a mother tongue environment, they can naturally learn Chinese mother tongue well. of spoken language. As for the written part, once they enter elementary school and middle school, the school has set Chinese textbooks. However, before entering school at the age of 6, they are fully capable of learning to read by "reading" the 300 Lele series of books in a ladder, "by the way" Have fun learning 1000 common words.
As parents, just remember to provide your children with a comfortable environment or corner, and put Lele books within their sight every day (you can put three levels of books in three "transparent" plastic boxes, or just like drying clothes , hang a few ropes against the wall, and hang many Lele books on the ropes, so that the children can see them every day), so that they will often pick up the "reading pen" and choose a book they like at will. Click listening and free reading are like "alternative" listening and reading toys. If they often "play" with these books in this way, over time, the quantity and quality will change. Parents will be surprised to find that these preschool children not only learn to read, but also learn to read. Recognize a lot of words.
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