Q&A 2: What is Lele Listening and Reading Children’s Book Series?

Q1: What is the LeLe Listening and Reading children’s book series?
it is分3個等級,初級100本、中級100本和高級100本總共300本的圖畫故事套書。Using about 1000 Chinese characters, each character appears repeatedly in different contexts.Step by step, from single words to short wordswordinto sentences to form 3 short stories of different levels,Children enjoy reading and literacy, laying the foundation for readingability.

Q2: Why choose Lele Listening and Reading children’s book series?
We have a "reading pen" specially designed for our books. Using the reading pen, you can read word by word or page by page and listen as you click. This helps children remember the pronunciation and correct their pronunciation. It not only satisfies their Feel free to repeat the need to listen to multiple words or whole pages of text, and allow them to listen and read flexibly at their own speed, independently, to build confidence and interest in reading, and to learn 1000 commonly used Chinese characters.
Question 3: Who is suitable to use our listening and reading series?
*4Children aged 8 to XNUMX years old who are learning Chinese for the first time
*Parents who don’t know or have a little knowledge of Chinese,You can use this series of books to learn simultaneously with your children.
*Chinese teacher at school,You can use our series of books as teaching materials and readers.
*Anyone interested in learning Chinese.       



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